Pictures from Portland, Seattle, and Anchorage...
The first night we went to a school that had been converted into an entertainment venue (there was a hotel, 3 or 4 bars, and a restaraunt). We swam in the pool, and rode bikes there through some neighborhoods and alternately cruised easily and put in some digs up the hills. No pictures from that unfortunately, but it was great.
The next night, Nathan, Maureen, and I drank some PBRs and made an enormous salad:

Then, went to Joe's and we ate lunch at a German deli, had some fine Continental beers there and then more here:

Then took some pictures of his lovely ladies--his mom and Payton:



Nathan is really into bikes and biking, and we rode around a lot:

Maureen's sister, brother-in-law, and niece came over. We had a great time BBQing some food and playing some baby catch:

Then, went to a coffee shop and saw a band play. They were pretty good and featured a tap dancing singer who was quite talented in multiple ways. Afterwords we had a good time playing music and eventually danced around on the way home while nathan played some songs. I contributed by scuffing my flip-flops in the sidewalk in a manner that was occasionally rhythmic. This was us:

Apparently there's another bumper sticker around Portland that says: "Jerry Falwell, he's the deadest." He definitely got everyone's attention with his brand of thought:

After Nathan retired to spoon the night away, Joe and I finished the beer in honor of his birthday. When it was gone, we went to try Chicken and JoJos at a local bar. I saw this sign on the way and thought that it was thinking on the same scale, geographically, as I was. Joe helped the shot immensely by his willingness to pose:

I didn't need to be in Seattle until Kate was available at 7, so took a little meandering. This was near Mt. St. Helens on a little side road:

Ranier was spectacular:

Kate is great. It was wonderful to see her. Her boyfriend rolls with chamomile tea in his car, which is about the opposite of riding a crotch rocket around like, um, me:

I didn't see a single run at Whistler that I couldn't whip into submission on a pair of K2 She Piste 140s. Well, Whistler was fogged in and I only saw some bunny slopes. But there were some nice spots when the sun peeked out, like this one:

It's tough to decide to stop and take a picture in Canada (or Alaska). The scenery changes slowly as you travel through, it's all pretty spectacular, and none of it comes close to fitting in the viewfinder so you try and decide how you're going to try to capture it. A lot of the time, too, I was really cold and really paying attention because it was raining or there were slow RVs to pass. I also feel like a jerk if I pass somebody and then pull off to take a picture right away (remember how I was in a big hurry???)
Anyway, I did get these. Realize that this is like 1/12th of a landscape that surrounds you and that it's best to hop on your preferred mode of transportation and go see it for yourself:

this gas station had totem poles all around:

you can't tell in this picture, but it had just been raining hard and there was even a little bit of very small hail. it felt like i was making some monumental decision to keep riding there, but really the storm only lasted for a little while and it got sunny again:


saw these mooses eating something from the bottom of a pond:

probably too big to be a successful mosquito. i definitely splatted some formerly lucky mosquitoes on my face shield. a rock got my other headlight and the lens is smashed--a guy at the motorcycle store suggested that it was probably a bug. they grow their bugs for big here:

got to anchorage and stayed with jen mayer and her husband, opie (who is great). all my friends have some child or pet -- her's is moosey:

later, snuck a moment with him alone:

we went up to flattop mountain and saw this lady on a horse. it is crazy close to town for being such a nice place to hike:

and then down to dip our feet in the (not that cold, really) ocean:

tomorrow i'm headed to denali, going to pass through fairbanks and try and make tok junction or even the border. it's getting time to head for home and if the weather's good i might make good time across canada.
The first night we went to a school that had been converted into an entertainment venue (there was a hotel, 3 or 4 bars, and a restaraunt). We swam in the pool, and rode bikes there through some neighborhoods and alternately cruised easily and put in some digs up the hills. No pictures from that unfortunately, but it was great.
The next night, Nathan, Maureen, and I drank some PBRs and made an enormous salad:
Then, went to Joe's and we ate lunch at a German deli, had some fine Continental beers there and then more here:
Then took some pictures of his lovely ladies--his mom and Payton:

Nathan is really into bikes and biking, and we rode around a lot:

Maureen's sister, brother-in-law, and niece came over. We had a great time BBQing some food and playing some baby catch:

Then, went to a coffee shop and saw a band play. They were pretty good and featured a tap dancing singer who was quite talented in multiple ways. Afterwords we had a good time playing music and eventually danced around on the way home while nathan played some songs. I contributed by scuffing my flip-flops in the sidewalk in a manner that was occasionally rhythmic. This was us:

Apparently there's another bumper sticker around Portland that says: "Jerry Falwell, he's the deadest." He definitely got everyone's attention with his brand of thought:

After Nathan retired to spoon the night away, Joe and I finished the beer in honor of his birthday. When it was gone, we went to try Chicken and JoJos at a local bar. I saw this sign on the way and thought that it was thinking on the same scale, geographically, as I was. Joe helped the shot immensely by his willingness to pose:

I didn't need to be in Seattle until Kate was available at 7, so took a little meandering. This was near Mt. St. Helens on a little side road:

Ranier was spectacular:

Kate is great. It was wonderful to see her. Her boyfriend rolls with chamomile tea in his car, which is about the opposite of riding a crotch rocket around like, um, me:

I didn't see a single run at Whistler that I couldn't whip into submission on a pair of K2 She Piste 140s. Well, Whistler was fogged in and I only saw some bunny slopes. But there were some nice spots when the sun peeked out, like this one:

It's tough to decide to stop and take a picture in Canada (or Alaska). The scenery changes slowly as you travel through, it's all pretty spectacular, and none of it comes close to fitting in the viewfinder so you try and decide how you're going to try to capture it. A lot of the time, too, I was really cold and really paying attention because it was raining or there were slow RVs to pass. I also feel like a jerk if I pass somebody and then pull off to take a picture right away (remember how I was in a big hurry???)
Anyway, I did get these. Realize that this is like 1/12th of a landscape that surrounds you and that it's best to hop on your preferred mode of transportation and go see it for yourself:

this gas station had totem poles all around:

you can't tell in this picture, but it had just been raining hard and there was even a little bit of very small hail. it felt like i was making some monumental decision to keep riding there, but really the storm only lasted for a little while and it got sunny again:


saw these mooses eating something from the bottom of a pond:

probably too big to be a successful mosquito. i definitely splatted some formerly lucky mosquitoes on my face shield. a rock got my other headlight and the lens is smashed--a guy at the motorcycle store suggested that it was probably a bug. they grow their bugs for big here:

got to anchorage and stayed with jen mayer and her husband, opie (who is great). all my friends have some child or pet -- her's is moosey:

later, snuck a moment with him alone:

we went up to flattop mountain and saw this lady on a horse. it is crazy close to town for being such a nice place to hike:

and then down to dip our feet in the (not that cold, really) ocean:

tomorrow i'm headed to denali, going to pass through fairbanks and try and make tok junction or even the border. it's getting time to head for home and if the weather's good i might make good time across canada.